creative writing.

To someone who has inspired me immensely.

    Sometimes I walk passed the playground  swings ang you’re right there like before. I miss you and us but you’ll never come back again. So  I just should forget the memories. But if the memories are all I have? Then what?

 They  told me to get over you. After all, we were never dating. So I had no right to miss you. But fuck that!!!
    You were. Are. My best friend.  The day you graduate was the most desolate day of my life.
    I’m sorry I  didn’t say bye but we both know I don’t let go Easley. So I didn’t say it and I’ll regret that  for the rest of my life.
    I know in theory, I can face  time you when ever I wish. But it’s not the same.
    Remember hunger games? remember sitting on the grass? Remember when I had that suicidal scare  in school? And how they wanted to take me to hospital but I refused? Remember when I specifically texted you that day?
    Or what about the time your best friend got his girlfriend pregnant? Remember how we all supported him? I wonder how he’s doing ow.
    People told me not to hang out with you but I never listened!!! They thought you to complex because you were from the ghetto. But that’s bullshit to me.
the ghetto is something that white people created because they’re scared of people of color.
    I never cared about where you were from. Or the ghetto. I cared about you, and  what you felt.
    I’m sorry you’re so misunderstood. I’m sorry there’s a chance that you could get shot walking down the street and I can’t protect you. If I could, I would. That  terrifies me. The thought you getting shot.
    I know I can’t protect you from the cops but I’ll try. But I promise you one thing. If you do end up getting shot I’ll testify. I’ll never stop asking for justice.
    Remember when I was 12 and I wanted to do drugs?  You told me that drugs wouldn’t solve anything so I listened.
    I just miss being kids, and the smell of grass,  as we played. I just want that back. But changing time is futile  and wont’ work.
    But you know what? I have the memories and the nostalgia.
    I’ll always love you. You’ll always have me.

Just know if I wanted to be inspired by anyone. I’d choose you.  
Love from Jade.
    Author’s note, Uh… inspired by several real life events. Like? Hate? Comment down below what you thought. Also I’ll be posting another creative writing post so keep on a look out.

Stay safe.

33 thoughts on “To someone who has inspired me immensely.”

      1. You’re so welcome. Yeah, I totally get that. I’m always writing stuff I just need to get out of my system and not being sure if the person it’s directed to will ever read it 🙂 xxx

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh my goodness I’m so sorry. That was a horrible generalization of me. But I just had to get that off my chest, you know? Also, if you ever want to do a collaboration on Reese I’m totally willing to help you out. I’m not the majority of brown skin people but I do know something, you know?

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Noooo, don’t mind be!!! I didn’t even think of it and tbh, you’re probably totally right. White people have done a lot of bad stuff in the past (and continue to do so now) and whilst it doesn’t represent everyone, well done you for speaking up against it 🙂 and yes, that would be awesome to do at some point. Great idea! Xx

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Honestly I wish that the white people i encountered were more like you tbh. Nd I was FaceTiming with my friend. The person who inspired this post i guess. When he told me e could walk down the street and get shot for no reason.
        And I was like wait!!! It’s not right that he’s prepared for something like to happen. My other best friend says things like “I’ll end up in jail all the time.” It’s not right. I’ll fight for justice. Also when ever you feel like doing that collaboration then message me!!!! I’d be extreamley interested. Lmao sorry for the long comments.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. It is so unjust and so unfair and sometimes it’s hard to know what to do and how we can change things. I guess we’ve both just got to keep fighting and standing up for what’s right. Honestly, your passion for this is inspiring .
        And yesss, I 100% will. I have literally a ton going on in my life right now, but we will definitely do it at some point!

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      6. It’ll never stop if we don’t stand up. Aww thanks I’m so overwhelmed that you think i’m inspired by me.
        I’m just tired of feeling like my skin tone isn’t called. You know? And it’s okay!!! My life is pretty hectic so don’t worry. Just message me when ever. Have you had a person of color collaborate before? Or will i be the first? Cause pressure!!! YOu know?

        Liked by 1 person

      7. Exactly! No….I don’t think you are?? Tbh, a lot of my blogging friends, friends in real life and one of my best friends are people of colour and I’ve collaborated with lots of them before! Xxx

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      8. Yes, probably. For me, someone’s racial background doesn’t even cross my mind. I judge whether I’m friends with them based on their character and nothing else.

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      1. Oh god that’s so sad to think about. I have a Muslim friend, who is also black, and she’s so passionate but scared about how people can be so racist and dangerous against people like her just because of her beliefs and origins.

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      2. Oh my goodness. That is so sad. Most of my friends are black men and people always wonder if they’re going to hurt me? And I’m like no. You’re never even going to do anything with me. Or I have Hispanic friends, and Indian friends, really I have everything except white friends.

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      3. I have a diverse group of friends too but white people included and it makes me feel proud to be friends with such amazing people. It’s sad to think that people will look at that and ask questions like “are they going to hurt you”. Like, no, obviously not. They’re my friends and not all ethnic, particularly black, people are dangerous, jeez!

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